
CIQA Objectives

Objective of CIQA

Objective of CIQA The objective of Centre for Internal Quality Assurance is to develop and put in place a comprehensive and dynamic internal quality assurance system to ensure that programmes of higher education in the Open and Distance Learning mode and Online mode being implemented by the KLEF are acceptable quality and further improved on continuous basis.

Functions of CIQA

The functions of Centre for Internal Quality Assurance would, inter alia, include the following, namely: -

  1. To maintain quality in the services provided to the learners.
  2. To undertake self-evaluative and reflective exercises for continual quality improvement in all the systems and processes of the KLEF Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE).
  3. To contribute to the identification of the key areas in which KLEF Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) should maintain quality.
  4. To devise mechanism to ensure that the quality of Open and Distance Learning programmes and Online programmes matches with the quality of relevant programmes in conventional mode.
  5. To devise mechanisms for interaction with and obtaining feedback from all stakeholders namely, learners, teachers, staff, parents, society, employers, and Government for quality improvement.
  6. To suggest measures to KLEF Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) for qualitative improvement.
  7. To facilitate the implementation of its recommendations through periodic reviews.
  8. To organise workshops/ seminars/ symposium on quality related themes, ensure participation of all stakeholders, and disseminate the reports of such activities among all the stakeholders in Higher Educational Institution.
  9. To develop and collate best practices in all areas leading to quality enhancement in services to the learners and disseminate the same to all concerned in KLEF Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE).
  10. To collect, collate and disseminate accurate, complete, and reliable statistics about the quality of the programme(s).
  11. To ensure that Programme Project Report for each programme is according to the norms and guidelines prescribed by the Commission and wherever necessary by the appropriate regulatory authority having control over the programme;
  12. To put in place a mechanism to ensure the proper implementation of Programme Project Reports.
  13. To maintain are cord of Annual Plans and Annual Reports of KLEF Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE), review them periodically and generate actionable reports.
  14. To provide inputs to the KLEF Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) for restructuring of programmes in order to make them relevant to the job market.
  15. To facilitate system-based research on ways of creating learner centric environment and to bring about qualitative change in the entire system.
  16. To act as a nodal coordinating unit for seeking assessment and accreditation from a designated body for accreditation such as NAAC etc.
  17. To adopt measures to ensure internalization and institutionalization of quality enhancement practices through periodic accreditation and audit.
  18. To coordinate between KLEF Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) and the Commission for various quality related initiatives or guidelines.
  19. To obtain information from other Higher Educational Institutions on various quality benchmarks or parameters and best practices.
  20. To record activities undertaken on quality assurance in the form of an annual report of Centre for Internal Quality Assurance.
  21. It will be mandatory for Centre for Internal Quality Assurance to submit Annual Reports to the Statutory Authorities or Bodies of the KLEF Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) about its activities at the end of each academic session. A copy of report in the format as specified by the Commission, duly approved by the statutory authorities of the KLEF Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) shall be submitted annually to the Commission.